The Klingon Language

June 17, 2011, by A. U. Crawford

I think everyone knows by now that there is a language called Klingon, that originated from Star Trek. Not many know how it came about though.

Marc Okrand

This is Marc Okrand and he is the creator of the Klingon Language. Okrand, is a former linguistics professor who works on closed captioning at the National Captioning Institute. He helped out with The Wrath of Khan doing the dubbing for the Vulcan language. They liked his work so much that he was asked to do a whole language for the Klingons in The Search for Spock.

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June 16, 2011, by A. U. Crawford

I’m tired today. Just thought I’d post something fun. Props to anyone who can tell me what movie this is from.

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Quipu, the Knot Record Keeping of the Incas

June 15, 2011, by A. U. Crawford

The Incas were the largest empire in pre-Columbian America, and were the only empire to not have a writing system. This didn’t mean they didn’t keep records. They used this unique way of encoding messages into knots on strings.

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Kinetic Typography

June 14, 2011, by A. U. Crawford

Kinetic Typography has been around for a while, but it’s only recently becoming a widely used mode of entertainment and speech. This one is kind of long but worth it.

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What to do?

June 13, 2011, by A. U. Crawford


My favorite from xkcd

I remember after graduation that I wanted to go on and do something with my degree. Fate had other plans. Continue reading

The Metric System In the US

June 10, 2011, by A. U. Crawford

Today there are only three countries left in the world that don’t use the Metric System as standard. Liberia, Myanmar/Burma and the US. Though England, Officially switched to the Metric system with the rest of the world, the general population still use the Imperial system for things such as speed and weights.

Non Metric Countries

Map Via: ZMIE Science

In 1988 the US passed the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act. This basically said that the federal government has a responsibility to aid industry, especially small business, to voluntarily convert to the metric system. Today a lot of businesses do create parts and products in both Metric and Imperial due to international trade.  The military uses the metric system as well as the Science and Medical industries because mathematically it’s just easier to work with.

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Google Home Page Tribute to Les Paul

June 9, 2011, by A. U. Crawford


Google has an awesome Home Page search logo today. You can actually strum it with your mouse and record it. Here’s my recording. Lame I know but cool; I call it, “Thinking of You“. I don’t know if it will last more then today though so enjoy it while it lasts.

Truth is hard

June 2, 2011, by A. U. Crawford

I’m not a big fan of Mike Tyson, but this quote is not only honest, it’s a profound truth about the affects fame when thrust upon one without the maturity to handle it.